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5 Reasons Why Money Vehicle is a High School Hit!

5 Reasons Why Money Vehicle is a High School Hit!

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Across the country, the Money Vehicle movement is catching on! Or, the rubber is meeting the road!

As more and more states are adopting financial literacy and personal finance education mandates and goals, Money Vehicle is the premiere turn-key solution to financial literacy education. There are some good reasons for that, too. The Money Vehicle course aligns with state and national standards, for one. It’s easy to integrate into a school’s systems as well. It’s built specifically for students, of course, and we save teachers and administrators an astounding amount of time and resources.

And above all? The course is fun and entertaining! Students walk away knowing more than they ever had before about money and the world of finance — something many of us wish we had when we left school.

In all, those are the five reasons why Money Vehicle is a high school hit! Here’s our founder and CEO, Jedidiah Collins, to discuss further:

1. Standard Alignment

As mentioned, the Money Vehicle course adheres and aligns to state and national standards. Specifically, Money Vehicle aligns to National Jump$tart Standards, maps to individual state standards, and our holistic program covers a swath of financial topics.

Students are getting a well-rounded financial education and one that will tick every box in your state!

2. LMS Integration

What good is a program if it doesn’t easily fold into your systems? At Money Vehicle, we’ve taken that consideration to heart, and made sure that the course and program can easily be accessed by teachers and students alike. We can easily integrate into your LMS, be it Canvas, Schoology, or others. Plus, student information will remain protected by schools’ LMS systems as well.

3. Age-Appropriate Curriculum

The Money Vehicle program is more than just content — it’s a complete, comprehensive curriculum. It’s targeted toward and built specifically for high schools and high school students. We know our audience, and won’t bog the course down with high-level financial concepts or confusing math problems. The course is action-oriented and is easily digested by most high school students.

4. Save Teachers Time!

If we’ve learned one thing over the past few years, it’s that teachers are time-strapped. Who has time to learn a new system, course, or subject? That’s perhaps the most compelling reason that high schools should turn to Money Vehicle: We save teachers time! We also offer live and on-demand teacher support. We have pre-built, in-class examples, exercises, and resources. Plus, teachers can get in touch with the Money Vehicle Teacher Success Support Team!

5. Edu-Taining Content

Finally, we mentioned that the course is fun, right?

We entertain students with real-life examples and stories. The course is engaging for students, as we offer an interactive textbook. We also empower students to start a financial plan! At the end of the day, students will leave class with more than just notes — they’ll have an action plan that they can set in motion!

In aggregate, Money Vehicle is, as mentioned, a high school hit. If you’re interested in learning more, reach out today!

Check out the Money Vehicle textbook — you can find it here on Amazon. And if you like what you see, you can get more content sent directly to your inbox! Sign up for the Money Vehicle Movement Newsletter!

And check out our white paper: “Strategies for Increasing Financial Literacy Rates Among High School and College Students”

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and Money Vehicle graduates. They tackle a host of topics from Mindset, Investing, Debt,
Insurance & much more!


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