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Integrating Money Vehicle into Athletic Department Programs

Integrating Money Vehicle into Athletic Department Programs

A football referee.

Money Vehicle’s financial literacy curriculum is already helping student-athletes in dozens of athletic programs across the country. LSU is among them, and it’s catching on in Baton Rouge among the athletes and coaches, too. Other schools, like Washington State, Northern Arizona, and the University of Illinois at Chicago are among them. 

And student-athletes and athletic programs are living in a new era, where name, image, and likeness (NIL) financial deals are putting thousands, and sometimes millions of dollars into students’ pockets. We also work with the NFLPA, for what it’s worth!

As such, teaching financial literacy in athletic programs and to student-athletes has never been more critical. Student-athletes, and those administering or running athletic programs in colleges and high schools, need financial literacy education. Money Vehicle is here to help.

Financial Literacy Programs For Athletic Department Programs

As Money Vehicle’s founder and CEO, Jedidiah Collins has written before, the select and fortunate few athletes that end up going pro often go broke. For that reason, athletic programs owe it to themselves and their student-athletes to explore the options on the market. Money Vehicle is already working with several, as noted, and we make it easy to integrate our financial literacy program into your athletic department program.

Money Vehicle’s program is on-demand and available to all student-athletes in an athletic program. Administrators and students can track their progress and outcomes, there are step-by-step guides for both students and course facilitators, and students will receive a financial literacy certification upon completion of the course.

Seriously — we make it easy!

Money Vehicle has a partnership with Teachable, and the process of integration is this simple:

  1. Onboard your athletes
  2. Log in and press “play”
  3. Track students’ progress 

If this sounds like a time-saver, that’s because it is. You have an athletic program to run — not a financial literacy class to teach!

Recap: Money Vehicle’s Financial Literacy Tenets

As a refresher, here are the core tenets of action from the Money Vehicle curriculum:

  1. Setting monthly and yearly Personal Finance Goals
  2. Quantifying how much their individual plan can put towards the future 
  3. Setting up a Cash Management system
  4. Opening foundational bank accounts 
  5. Starting credit history with a credit card
  6. Identifying a first investment through Index Funds
  7. Diagnosing ways to confirm coverage and lower your insurance costs
  8. Implement proactive ways to prevent cyber-attacks
  9. Synthesize the transaction from Gross to Net income and quantify Federal Income Tax liability 
  10. Open a Roth IRA

Student-athletes will cover the above, and more, as a part of the Money Vehicle curriculum. If you’re an athletic department administrator, you can’t afford to let your student-athletes fall behind. Get in touch today to learn more about Money Vehicle’s offerings for athletic departments!

Check out the Money Vehicle textbook — you can find it here on Amazon. And if you like what you see, you can get more content sent directly to your inbox! Sign up for the Money Vehicle Movement Newsletter!

And check out our white paper: “Strategies for Increasing Financial Literacy Rates Among High School and College Students”

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