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MV FAQs: Is Money Vehicle ADA Compliant?

MV FAQs: Is Money Vehicle ADA Compliant?

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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) concerns regulations and rules for businesses, local governments, and more. Effectively, it’s a set of rules that ensure Americans of all ability levels can access goods and services, and that organizations aren’t discriminating against, say, someone with mobility issues, purposefully or not.

Which brings us to the big question: Is Money Vehicle ADA compliant?

The answer is yes, and Money Vehicle complies with the rules set forth by the federal government’s ADA standards as it relates to electronic information and technology. Since Money Vehicle is a digital or virtual product (we don’t have a physical classroom, for example), we need to make sure that people who may struggle with website access can still use the material. 

That’s something we take seriously.

The Americans with Disability Act (ADA) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act both ensure that all people have equal access to goods, services, and communication. Section 508 is specific to Information Communication Technology for federal government agencies and services. At Money Vehicle, we are dedicated to providing ALL students with access to our content and curriculum, and we strive to continue delivering best-in-class content, curriculum,

 and services to our customers.

That means everybody!

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