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MV News: MV Officially joins the Florida Consortium of Public Charter Schools

MV News: MV Officially joins the Florida Consortium of Public Charter Schools

A young alligator on a dock.

Big news out of the Money Vehicle camp: We are now officially members of the Florida Consortium of Public Charter Schools (FCPCS)!

Money Vehicle is currently in use in numerous states across the country, and in schools of all shapes and sizes — including public and private universities, high schools, and more. By becoming a member organization of the FCPCS, Money Vehicle is now more easily accessible to charter school leaders and founders in the state of Florida.

FCPCS is an organization that works with and on behalf of Florida charter school administrators to open up opportunities to work with new and unique tools (like Money Vehicle). The goal is to make those administrators more knowledgeable and efficient, and subsequently, help their schools run better. Take it straight from the organization’s mission statement: “Our mission is to provide a seamless system of support that promotes the establishment and operation of high-quality Florida charter schools.”

We believe that Money Vehicle fits that mission like a glove, and we look forward to working with administrators in Florida and other states to help elevate financial literacy and promote smart financial decision-making in the years ahead!

Check out the Money Vehicle textbook — you can find it here on Amazon. And if you like what you see, you can get more content sent directly to your inbox! Sign up for the Money Vehicle Movement Newsletter!

And check out our white paper: “Strategies for Increasing Financial Literacy Rates Among High School and College Students”

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