
The Best Savings Accounts for Kids and Teens in November 2024

At Meridian Community Unit School in Stillman Valley, IL, Micki Hoefle is known for her work as the Human Resource Manager and Jr High Student Council Advisor, but she’s also stepping up to a new challenge: teaching financial literacy to high school students. While not a traditional classroom teacher, Hoefle plays a key role in shaping students’ futures by ensuring they gain life skills that extend beyond academics.

Foundational Bank Accounts: An Overview

Foundational bank accounts are a critical component to the Money Vehicle program. Here’s an overview of those accounts.

How Banks Fail

Recently, two large U.S. banks failed, sending shockwaves through the financial system. Here’s how and why banks sometimes fail.

What Does “Unbanked” Mean?

You might assume everyone owns a bank account. But according to a 2021 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) survey, 4.5% of American households (5.9 million homes) are unbanked. This represents the lowest unbanked population since the FDIC began these surveys in 2009. Per the research, some of the newly banked households opened accounts to receive… Continue reading What Does “Unbanked” Mean?

Banks vs. Credit Unions: What’s the Difference?

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What’s the difference between a bank and a credit union? We’ll break it all down.

Bank On It: Why You Should Open Up a Bank Account

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What is a bank, and how does it work? We’ve got answers, and you can bank on it!

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