Yes, You Should Get a Credit Card, and This is Why

Credit cards can be important tools for young people to help build their credit histories and scores. For that reason, it may be worth getting one, if you feel you can handle the responsibility.

The Quickest Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

There are numerous ways to improve your credit score. Here are a few tactics to do so quickly.

7 Common Types of Loans You Need to Know About

There are numerous types of loans out there, and it’s important to know what they are, and what they’re used for. Read on to get a rundown.

3 Reasons to Avoid Buy-Now-Pay-Later Programs

Buy-now-pay-later programs sound like a great deal, but consumers should know that they can lead to a debt trap.

Buy Now, Pay Later: 4 Things to Consider Before Make a Purchase

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You’ve likely come across a “buy now pay later” option when making a purchase. Is it a good idea to use it, though?

Some of the Best First-Time Credit Cards For Students

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Students: What should you look for in a credit card? Here are a few options that may be the best for first-time users.

Teen Using Credit? Use This Crucial Tip

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Teens can use credit to their advantage, if they do so responsibly. Here’s a tip on how to do just that.

3 Credit Card Mistakes You May Be Making

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You may be making these common mistakes with your credit card — and it could cost you.

Meet the Big 3 Credit Bureaus

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Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion are the “big three” credit bureaus. Here’s why that’s important, and their roles in the financial system.

What is FICO? All About Your FICO Score

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What is FICO, and what does it have to do with your credit? We explain FICO, the gatekeepers of FICO scores.

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