5 Questions to Ask About Your First Credit Card

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What new credit card users should know before using their credit cards.

What You Need to Know About Opportunity Costs

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Every decision has a cost, and in economics, that’s what’s called an “opportunity cost.”

4 Misconceptions Gen Z Has About Millionaires

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Think you know about millionaires? Here are a few things to know that may shake up what you thought you knew.

Saving Versus Investing: What’s the Difference?

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If you have money, is it best to save it, or invest it? We discuss saving versus investing.

Why So Many Professional Athletes Go Broke—and How I Avoided It

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Most professional athletes retire with little or no money in the bank. Here’s how I planned ahead and avoided that mistake.

Compound Interest: Are You Playing Checkers or Chess?

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Using compound interest to your best advantage requires a different mindset. It’s the difference between playing checkers and chess.

Diversification: How Investors Can Secure Their Portfolios

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Diversification can help investors offset risk in their portfolios by spreading their money around.

What is a “Burn Rate”?

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What is a “burn rate” when it comes to your money? It’s how much you’re spending on a month-to-month basis.

6 Key Money Topics Comprising the Financial Literacy National Standards

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What comprises a financially literate person? Here are some national financial literacy standards put forth by leading groups.

R.I.C.H. Goals: Begin With the End in Mind

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How to set and reach your financial goals, by using the R.I.C.H. goals system.

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