
Strike! Why Workers Go On Strike

Workers are going on strike in numerous industries. This is why, how strikes work, and why they’re often effective.

Walt Disney, Michael Jordan, and You: What’s the Common Denominator?

We often define ourselves during times of struggle. And that holds true for some of history’s most successful people, like Bill Gates and Michael Jordan.

One Thing You Should Always Be Doing to Improve Your Financial Picture

There’s a near sure-fire way to get a raise or promotion: Find a new job! Read on to learn why you should be constantly applying.

What’s the Difference Between a W2 and 1099?

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At some point, you’ll likely encounter a choice: Work as a W2 employee, or as a 1099 independent contractor. Here’s what that all means.

How to create effective, simple, and lasting habits

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What comprises a good habit? We’ll look at what makes up a habit, and how to create good ones that last.

What You Need to Know About Opportunity Costs

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Every decision has a cost, and in economics, that’s what’s called an “opportunity cost.”

4 Misconceptions Gen Z Has About Millionaires

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Think you know about millionaires? Here are a few things to know that may shake up what you thought you knew.

What Does it Take to “Be a Pro”?

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After spending some time in the NFL, I learned what it takes to be a pro. You can use these lessons in your own career, too.

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