Banks vs. Credit Unions: What’s the Difference?

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What’s the difference between a bank and a credit union? We’ll break it all down.

Bank On It: Why You Should Open Up a Bank Account

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What is a bank, and how does it work? We’ve got answers, and you can bank on it!

The Difference Between Debit and Credit — and Why Debit Is the Safer Option

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What’s the difference between debit and credit? We break it down, and explain why using debit is probably better for most people.

“Money Buckets”: The 5 Choices You Have With Every Dollar You Earn

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Every dollar you earn ends up in one of five places, which makes managing your money fairly easy with a “five buckets” system.

Money Earned vs. Money Created

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What is the difference between earning and creating money? We get into it.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up! It’s Okay to Spend on the Things You Love

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You don’t want to blow your budget, but you shouldn’t feel guilty about indulging a bit when it comes to spending money.

Appetite For (Budget) Destruction: The High Costs of Eating Out

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Eating out can blast a big hole in your budget. And you’re probably doing it more often, and spending more, than you thought.

How to create effective, simple, and lasting habits

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What comprises a good habit? We’ll look at what makes up a habit, and how to create good ones that last.

5 Questions to Ask About Your First Credit Card

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What new credit card users should know before using their credit cards.

What You Need to Know About Opportunity Costs

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Every decision has a cost, and in economics, that’s what’s called an “opportunity cost.”

Want to test drive The Money Vehicle Program for yourself? Click here to get the keys to log into the Money Vehicle Platform!

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