More and more high schools around the country are adopting the Money Vehicle course to teach their students financial literacy. Here are five reasons why!
More and more high schools around the country are adopting the Money Vehicle course to teach their students financial literacy. Here are five reasons why!
States across the country are mandating personal finance and financial literacy education. Here are the states where mandates are in effect, with more surely to come.
Ready to integrate the Money Vehicle course into your curriculum? Here’s how to get a quote and get started.
We don’t want you to feel exposed, so Money Vehicle comes with a number of supporting materials.
People have different learning styles. You may have noticed that you are more of a visual learner, for example, and are more receptive to the material when you see charts, graphs, photos, or videos. Others prefer a text-based approach and like to read out of a book. Still, others may prefer a lecture or audio-based… Continue reading MV FAQs: Does Money Vehicle Support Differentiated Learning?
Yet another common question we receive is whether Money Vehicle supports online learning. We do — it’s our bread and butter.
What is synchronous learning, and does Money Vehicle facilitate it? The answer is yes, and you can read on to learn more.
Another common question concerns whether the Money Vehicle course is updated on a regular basis. The answer: Yes!
Yet another common question: How long does the Money Vehicle course take to complete? Whether you’re a teacher or a student, we have an answer.
School administrators may be curious about whether Money Vehicle will successfully integrate with their existing systems. The short answer: It likely will!